Group Tent Criteria - Art Walk 2024
Saturday JULY 27, 2024
10 AM to 7 PM
All applicants must submit a minimum of 3 images of artwork
All work exhibited must be original and handcrafted by the artist. The limited use of manufactured items is allowed only if they are small components of the final product.
Each hanging art piece MUST have a wire attached to the back, to enable display of the piece. Do NOT use "sawtooth" hangers.
Booth spaces are 12’x15’. Absolutely all inventory, boxes, artwork, etc. must be contained within your booth space and cannot interfere with adjacent exhibits or walkways in any way.
Fenton art walk reserves the right to make booth assignment changes at any time.
Artists are responsible for all sales tax on items they sell, for their own property. Artists are also responsible for insurance and protection of artwork and display.
Be prepared to have all your items unloaded and your vehicle moved to the Vendor Parking Area ASAP Saturday morning. SLPR, the Fenton DDA, or the City of Fenton will not be responsible for loss or damage to Art Walk participants property in any way or at any time.
Exhibitors agree to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Any behavior deemed inappropriate by SLPR may result in expulsion. Art Walk is intended to be a family friendly event, free of radical and disturbing displays/outbursts.
In participating in the Fenton Art Walk you are giving permission for use of photos of you and your artwork for marketing purposes via print or social media.
Exhibitors are not allowed to bring or display weaponry for the duration of the event.
Violation of any rules is a basis for expulsion.
Saturday Morning Set-Up – 8:00am – 9:00am
Process of Unloading:
Unload Items and Artwork at the sidewalk
Move vehicle to the Artist Parking (See Map), Shuttle will take you back to Rackham Park or walk back over the bridge.
Move items and art to your assigned booth.