New this year, is the exhibit location - the Banquet Room, at
Beale St. Smokehouse BBQ!
You can submit up to 3 photos, taken in 2022, in the Fenton area. In the application list the location where each image was photographed. Deadline to submit photos is September 30, 2022, midnight. All submitted images will be juried by local photographers and the top winners of submitted images will be in the exhibit. Fenton Arts Council will cover the cost of printing and matting them for the exhibit. Thank you Billmeier Camera for printing the winning images.
Each image can only be submitted by the person who photographed it.
Results of the jury will be emailed by October 7, 2022.
The exhibit will run October 13 through November 10, 2022.
All are welcome to view the exhibit during regular business hours.
Pick up after the exhibit will be Nov. 12, location to be determined. If you do not pick up your photos on this day, or make alternate arrangements ahead of time, they will become the property of the Fenton Arts Council.
So Grab your camera and get Creative with thoughts of "Life with Water in Fenton"!
Use the link below to access the application, and email your photos to;
Click here to (Or use the QR code above)